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Summer Term 2008

All · Lecture · Undergraduate Seminar · Seminar · Graduate Seminar · Research Seminar · Other


Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann
Algebraic Geometry I
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Mathematik
Arnimallee 3, 14195 Berlin
Tues. 12:00 - 2:00 pm, Wed. 6:30 - 8:00 am

Analysis IIIb

Differential Geometry I
Mon 13 - 15, RUD 26, 1'304
Thu 9 - 11, RUD 26, 1'304
HU Berlin

Dr. Joa Weber
Differentialtopologie II
Tuesdays, 11 am - 1 pm;
Mathematical Institute
Rudower Chaussee 25, Rm. 1.315

Prof. Dr. sc. Thomas Friedrich
Topology II

Prof. Dr. sc. Thomas Friedrich
Topological K-theory II

Undergraduate Seminar

Prof. Dr. sc. Thomas Friedrich
Special Functions


Enumerative geometry and string theory
HU Berlin
Mathematical Institute
Rudower Chaussee 25
12489 Berlin

Lars Petersen
Linear algebra as the basis of algebraic structures in differential geometry
Freie Universitaet Berlin, Institut fuer Mathematik
Arnimallee 3
14195 Berlin
Wed., 2:00 pm

Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann / Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmitt
Seminar for diploma and doctoral students
Freie Universitaet Berlin, Institut fuer Mathematik
Arnimallee 3
14195 Berlin
Mo. 2:00 pm, Mi. 4:00 pm

Graduate Seminar

Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann
Seminar: Algebraic Geometry
Freie Universitaet Berlin, Institut fuer Mathematik
Arnimallee 3
14195 Berlin
Mon. 4:15 pm

Research Seminar

Geometric Analysis and Spectral Theory
Wed 16.30 - 18.00, RUD 25, I.410

Prof. Helga Baum, Prof. Andreas Juhl
Seminar zur Differentialgeometrie für Doktoranden und Diplomanden


Lecture Event
Wilhelm Klingenberg (Durham)
Regular fibrations of R3 by oriented lines
16 Apr 2008, 16:30

Lecture Event
Jean-Michel Combes (CPT Marseille)
Eigenvalue counting estimates for Random operators of Anderson type
23 Apr 2008, 16:30