Seminar des SFB 647
Dr. Ursula Ludwig, Prof. Alessandro Chiodo
15.12.2009, 16:00 Uhr – 19:00 Uhr
The Witten deformation for singular algebraic curves and stratified Morse functions
Dr. Ursula Ludwig
15.12.2009, 16:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr
About 25 years ago motivated by ideas in physics, Witten
introduced a beautiful new approach to proving Morse
inequalities based on the deformation of the de Rham
complex (see ``Supersymmetry and Morse Theory'', J. of
Differ. Geometry, 17). His ideas were fruitfully applied in
different situations. In this talk I will first recall
Wittens proof of the Morse inequalities for a Morse
function on a compact smooth manifold and then explain how
to give an analytic proof of the Morse inequalities of
stratified Morse theory (as developed by
Goresky/MacPherson) for singular algebraic curves by
generalising the Witten deformation to the singular
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