SFB-Seminar Novel Methods for Perturbative QFT (Teilprojekt C4 und AEI)
Oliver Schnetz, Dmytro Volin, N.Emil J. Bjerrum-Bohr
7.5.2013, 14:30 Uhr – 18:30 Uhr
Single-valued multiple-zeta-values
Dr. Oliver Schnetz
7.5.2013, 15:00 Uhr – 16:00 Uhr
Single-valued multiple-zeta-values are special values of single-valued multiple polylogarithms which are generalizations of the Bloch-Wigner dilogarithm. Using the Ihara action the motivic counterparts of single-valued multiple-zeta-values can be characterized in terms of the Galois coaction on motivic multiple-zeta-values. We give a short account of the theory of single-valued multiple-zeta-values and describe their role in the theory of Feynman periods.
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