Lecture Event
Prof. Kurke, Prof. Dancer, Prof. Grigoryan
17 Jul 2007, 15:00 – 19:00
On the geometric Langlands Conjecture
Prof. Dr. Herbert Kurke
17 Jul 2007, 15:00 – 16:00
Abstract: Due to the very limited time I have to pretend that everybody in the audience knows things like "algebraic stacks" (which intuitively is something like an algebraic variety where every point carries some extra-information), "derived categories", "theory of -modules" (a slight generalization of "holomorphic vectorbundle endowed with a flat meromorphic connection") etc. (Some more details I will give in a talk in the seminare "Algebraic Geometry" at FU, Monday, July 16, 4 pm - 6 pm in Arnimallee 3, SR 119.)
First we explain Langland-duality for reductive groups G, G', this means: The lattice X(T') is dual to the lattice X(T) (T, T' maximal tori in G, G',
) such that the rootsystem
of G' is the corootsystem of G (and vice versa). E.g. SLn and PSLn are Langlands dual, SO(2n+1) and Sp(2n) are Langlands dual, whereas SO(2n) or GLn are both Langlands-dual to itself:
Now, let X be a compact Riemann surface. We have various geometric objects associated with it, for example, for each reductive group G:
If time permits we also will explain how GLC is related to the "classical" Langlands conjecture for global fields (= theorem of Lafforgue, for function fields over finite fields).